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Iron Butt Association Sample receipts

Good Start Receipt
Ride Around Texas

Good Start Receipt
Bun Burner GOLD

Good Start Receipt
SaddleSore 1000

Good Start Receipt
A little hard to read off Facebook clip, but still a good receipt from Kenneth Andrews ride. Note inclusing of odometer reading right on the receipt - a nice touch!

Now the bad of using the handhold method (especially on a cold January morning): had he been submitting this as a start or end receipt, time is partially covered (we can't tell if am or pm) but in this case, it was just a standard photo he took for his Facebook friends.

Good Start Receipt
A little hard to read off Facebook clip reduced for this web page, but still a good receipt from Brad Holloway ride (he just did this for his Facebook friends, not for his submittal). Also nice touch putting odometer reading right on the receipt.

Good Start Receipt
Sample from IBA Germany with a rain cover